Best Three Things that Quiet the Crazy World Around Me

There are some days when the pressures of life (work, finances, relationship troubles) come barreling down at me and all I can think about are the things that I would be doing that would help to quiet the crazy world around me.  These are things that can take my mind off whatever is troubling me and transport me into a mindless state of peace and tranquility.  Where bills, work deadlines, health issues and all the others things that are driving me insane are swept from my mind.  The following are the thing that helo quiet the crazy world around me.

1.  Sitting in front of a fire (whether from a fireplace or camp fire) and staring at the embers of the fire

2. Walking along a deserted beach and listening to the waves crash down

3. Looking at the stars

Looking into a campfire has a way of truly mezmorizing me.  Its amazing that all that I was feeling previously can be shut out and all I see is the burning embers.   Its crazy but true.  My mind simply turns off.  I can think of anything else except the beauty of the fire and the calming soothing effect is has on me.  It makes it very hard to look away, especially when its time to leave and go to sleep.  For me, this is the best way to quiet the crazy world around me.


For me, walking on a deserted beach and hearing the waves crash down along the shore is amazing.  Sometimes they are deafening and that is an amazing thing.  It allows my mind to block everything else and I focus on my walking, my breathing and the breathtaking sound of the waves crashing.  For those that have never been able to experience the ocean and all of its might, I encourage you to travel to one (one day in your life) and you will understand what I am talking about.

As for my last pick,  it’s definitely looking up at the stars. Pleiades Star Cluster

I was lucky enough this summer to have an incredible experience with this.  I was camping in a camp ground that had constructed an outside observation area for star gazing.  It was a cold night but my partner and I made our way there around 10pm at night.  We huddled together, stopped talking and simply looked up…we were there for over 2 hours.  Not a word was said, we simply just looked up at the sky and all the brilliant stars shining in the night sky.  It was an amazing experience and worked to clear my mind of all its stress and complications